Urška Jurman
Since graduating in Art History and Sociology of Culture from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 2002, Urška Jurman, born in 1973, has been working as a freelance curator, critic, editor, organizer and mediator in the field of visual arts. She collaborated with different contemporary art institutions and initiatives, including Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (1995-1997); SCCA-Center for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana (1999-2002, 2005-2006); hEXPO, festival for self-organised cultural forms, Slovenia (2000); Break 2.2 festival, Ljubljana (2003), P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana (2005-2008), Kud Obrat (2006-). From 2000 to 2005 she co-edited (together with Barbara Borčić) the Platforma SCCA magazine for contemporary art, published by the SCCA-Center for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana. She publishes texts about contemporary art and its context in different Slovene magazines.